40. Aylward L, Budinsky RA, Bursian S, Kay DP, Giesy JP, Khim JS, Newsted J, Moore J, Rowland CJ, Woodburn K, Zwiernik M
Pharmacokinetic evaluation of exposure to ecologically relevant concentrations of 2,3,7,8-TCDF and 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF in mink (Mustela Vison).
2007, 27th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants, Tokyo, Japan
39. Jones PD, Naile JE, Khim JS, Giesy JP
Quantification of perfluorinated compounds in food and tissues: Analytical challenges of a novel class of compounds.
2007, Saskatoon International Validation Workshop for Regulatory Analysis of Residues in Foods (SaskVal Workshop), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
38. Naile JE, Khim JS, Jones PD, Giesy JP
Identification and quantification of a novel class of organic pollutants.
2007, 42nd Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop (WCTOW), Calgary, Alberta, Canada
37. Kim S-K, Khim JS, Lee K-T, Giesy JP, Kannan K, Koh C-H, Lee D-S
Emission, levels, distribution, and fate of POPs in South Korea - Review.
2006, SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
36. Koh C-H, Khim JS, Araki H, Yamanishi H, Koga K
The flux of microphytobenthic chlorophyll a in response to tidal current in Nanaura mudflat, Ariake Sea, Japan.
2006, International Symposium on Lowland Technology 2006, Shiga, Japan
35. Khim JS, Koh C-H
Assessment of the organic contaminants in Korean coastal sediments: Instrumental Analyses and in vitro bioassays.
2006, 2006년도 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회, 부산
34. Khim JS, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Boris G, Giesy JP, Koh C-H
Characterization and distribution of dioxin-like and estrogenic contaminants in sediment from Korean coasts.
2005, SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
33. Khim JS, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Giesy JP, Koh C-H
Dioxin-like and estrogenic compounds and activities associated with marine sediment from Yeongil Bay, Korea.
2005, SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
32. Khim JS, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Giesy JP, Koh C-H
Distribution and sources of trace organic contaminants in marine sediment.
2005, SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
31. Rostkowski P, Yamashita N, So MK, Taniyasu S, Lam PKS, Falandysz J, Lee K-T, Khim JS, Im SH, Giesy JP
Perfluorinated Compounds in Streams of the Shihwa Industrial Zone and Lake Shihwa, South Korea.
2005, 25th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants, Toronto, Ontario, Canada