80. 홍성진, 김종성, 류종성, 송성준, 박진순, 최경호, 지경희, 서지현, 이상우, 이우진, 박정임, 최예용
Occurrence of residual PAHs in coastal sediments from Taean area, Korea, two years after the Hebei Spirit oil spill
2010, 2010년 해양학회 추계학술대회, 부산
79. 김종성, 류종성, 송성준, 박진순, 김민규, 홍성진
Spatio-temporal distribution of microphytobenthos during tidal cycle in the intertidal flat
2010, 2010년 해양학회 추계학술대회, 부산
78. 지경희, 한선영, 김정곤, 김선미, 이상우, 안병우, 윤준헌, 조은혜, 최경희, 김종성, Xiaowei Zhang, John P. Giesy, 최경호
Endocrine disruption potentials of several pharmaceuticals in H295R cell and a freshwater fish Oryzias latipes
2010, 2010년 한국환경보건학회 가을학술대회 , 서울
77. 홍성진, 김종성, 박진순, 류종성, Jonathan E. Naile, Tieyu Wang, Yi Wan, Wei Luo, Wenyou Hu, Wentao Jiao, Paul D. Jones, Yonglong Lu, John P. Giesy
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in sediments from the Yellow Sea
2010, ICoEHS-2010, 여수
76. 고철환, 권봉오, 김종성
The effect of temperature, light intensity and tidal cycle on the primary production of microphytobenthos, Hwasung mudflat, west coast of Korea
2010, 7th ISLT 2010, 일본 사가
75. 한선영, JK Kim, 지경희, 김선미, BW Ahn, 고영림, KH Choi, 김종성, x Zhang, JP Giesy, 최경호
Evidence of endocrine disruption and consequences of chronic exposure to ibuprofen in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) and waterfleas (Dhphnia magana and Moina macrocopa)
2010, SETAC Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting , 중국 광저우
74. Xiaoshan Liu, 지경희, 서지현, 이상우, 이우진, 박정임, 최예용, 김종성, 최경호
Alteration of steroidogenesis in H295R cells by oragnic fractions of soil and mud samples collected from Taean coast of Korea: Two years after Herbei Spirit oil spill
2010, SETAC Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting , 중국 광저우
73. 지경희, 박새롬, 김종성 Xiaowei Zhang, John P. Giesy, 최경호
Ketoconazole increases the estrogenic potential of ibuprofen exposure in the human adrenocarcinoma (H295R) cell line
2010, SETAC Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting , 중국 광저우
72. 지경희, 박새롬, 김종성, 조은혜, 최경희, Xiaowei Zhang, John P. Giesy, 최경호
Estrogenic effects of sulfathiazole, oxytetracycline, and chlortetracycline in the human adrenocarcinoma (H295R) cell line mediated by disruption in steroidogenic pathways
2010, SETAC Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting , 중국 광저우
71. J. P. Giesy, Y, Wan, S. B. Wiseman, X. W. Zhang, H. Chang, M. Hecker, P. D. Jones, M. H.W. Lam, 최경호, 김선미, 지경희, 김종성, 박새롬, 박석환, 박정임
OH-PBDE and MeO-PBDEs: Methods, Sources and Consequences
2010, SETAC Asia/Pacific Annual Meeting, 중국 광저우