100. 지경희, 최경호, 곽경희, 김종성, John P. Giesy, Xiaowei Zhang
Ketoconazole Increases the Endocrine Disruption Potential of Ibuprofen Exposure in the H295R Cells and Japanese Medaka
2011, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting , 미국 보스톤
99. Tieyu Wang, Chunli Chen, Jonathan E. Naile, 김종성, Yonglong Lu, John P. Giesy
Perfluorinated Compounds in Surface Waters from Northern China: Comparison to Level of Industrialization
2011, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting , 미국 보스톤
98. Jonathan E. Naile, 김종성, 홍성진, Tieyu Wang, Paul D. Jones, Yonglong Lu, John P. Giesy
Sources and distribution of polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins and –dibenzofurans in soil and sediment from the Yellow Sea region of China and Korea
2011, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting , 미국 보스톤
97. 홍성진, 김종성, 박진순, 송성준, 류종성, 최경호, 지경희, 서지현, 이상우, 박정임, 이우진, 최예용, 이규태, 김찬국, 심원준, Naile JE, Giesy JP
Ecological risk assessment of oil-spill affected area: Visited after two years the ‘Hebei Sprit’ oil spill, Korea
2011, SETAC North America 32nd Annual Meeting, 미국 보스톤
96. 김종성, 류종성, 강성길, 고철환
The response of benthic organisms at population and community levels against heavy metal and organic pollution gradients in contaminated harbour sediments
2011, SETAC North America 32th Annual Meeting, 미국 보스톤
95. 조현정, 류종성, 이강현, 이범연, 강대석, 김종성, 남정호, 이창희
통합적 하구관리 지원을 위한 우리나라 하구역 연구사업 현황과 정책방향 제언
2011, 2011년 해양학회 추계학술대회, 서울
94. 박진순, 김종성, Ohtsuka T, Araki H, Witkowski A, 고철환
Diatom Assemblages on Nanaura mudflat, Ariake Sea, Japan: with reference to the biogeography of marine benthic diatoms in Northeast Asia
2011, 2011년 해양학회 추계학술대회, 서울
93. 원남일, Takami H, Kawamura T, Watanabe T, 김종성
Effects of tsunami on rocky shore benthic communities in northern Pacific coast of Japan
2011, 2011년 해양학회 추계학술대회, 서울
92. 홍성진, 김종성, 박진순, 정진호, 현승훈, 김정규, 이효진, 최희선, Naile JE, Codling G, Giesy JP
In-situ partitioning behavior of perfluorinated compounds in water from Youngsan River Estuary, Korea
2011, 2011년 해양학회 추계학술대회, 서울
91. 홍성진, 김종성, 박진순, 권봉오, Naile JE, Jones PD, Giesy JP
Distribution and bioconcentration characteristics of perfluorinated compounds in environmental samples collected from the western coast of Korea
2011, 4th International Conference on Environmental Health Science 2011, 인천