647. Inha Kwon, Jongmin Lee, Seojoon Yoon, Shin Yeong Park, Taewoo Kim, In Ok Lee, Hosang Kim, Chungjae Lee, Young Eun Lee, Jung-Kwan Ahn, Bong-Oh Kwon, Jong Seong Khim
Evaluation of total nitrogen stocks and burial rates of intertidal sediments of Marine National Parks in South Korea
2024, 한국해양학회 추계 학술대회
646. 박신영, 권인하, 송현서, 김범기, 변유정,김태우, 윤서준, 이창근, 이정현, 김종성
Effects of suspended sediment on the physiological responses of marine fish
2024, 한국해양학회 추계 학술대회
645. Hosang Kim, Hun Jun Ha, Sun Min Choi, Jinsoon Park, Yangrae Rho, Young Eun Kim, In Ok Lee, Changkeun Lee, Junsung Noh, Jungho Nam, Ho Kyung Ha, Bong-Oh Kwon, Junghyun Lee, and Jong Seong Khim
Effects of environmental factors on microalgal resuspension in Daesan and Jeungdo, South Korea
2024, 한국해양학회 추계 학술대회
644. 김범기, 진가영, 변유정, 박신영, 송현서,이창근, 이정현, 노준성, 김종성
Monitoring of physiological response of marine fishes to construction and operation noise from offshore wind farm
2024, 한국해양학회 추계 학술대회
643. Inog Lee, Hosang Kim, Inha Kwon, Bong-Oh Kwon, Jae-Sung Kim, Junghyun Lee, Junsung Noh, Jong Seong Khim
Ecological interruption on food web dynamics by eutrophic water discharge from the world’s longest dike at Saemangeum, Yellow Sea
2024, PICES
642. Seojoon Yoon, Seongjin Hong, Youngnam Kim, Junghyun Lee, Jong Seung Khim
Vertical distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls and alkylphenols in core sediments from the Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem
2024, Dioxin 2025
641. Taewoo Kim, Juyuan Zhen, Junghyun Lee, Shin Yeong Park, Changkeun Lee, Bong-Oh Kwon, Seongjin Hong, Gap Soo Chang, Jong Seong Khim
Cytotoxicity prediction of chemicals via First-principles computation
2024, SETAC Asia-Pacific 14th Biennial Meeting, Tianjin, China
640. Qiongping Sun, Xinyi Zhan, 홍성진, Ran Bi, 김종성, Tieyu Wang
Legacy and novel perfluoroalkyl substances in raw and cooked squids: Perspective from health risks and nutrient benefits
2024, The 8th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 제주
639. 장슬기, 이창래, 백영수, 황규원, 이종찬, 김종성, 배한나
Assessing Carbon Storage and absorption potential in Living Shorelines
2024, The 8th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 제주
638. 이종찬, 이효진, 김종성, 이창래
Bio-acoustic characteristics and spatio-temporal distribution of finless porpoise and snapping shrimp in the west and south coast of Korea
2024, The 8th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 제주