Journal Articles
21. Koh C-H*, Khim JS, Araki H, Yamanishi H, Koga K
Segregation of microphytobenthic chlorophyll-a from suspended particles during tidal cycle in Nanaura mudflat, Ariake Sea, Japan
2007, Lowland Technology International 9(2), 49-55
20. Koh C-H*, Khim JS, Araki H, Yamanishi H, Koga K
Within-day and seasonal patterns of microphytobenthos biomass determined by co-measurement of sediment and water column chlorophylls in the intertidal mudflat of Nanaura, Saga, Ariake Sea, Japan
2007, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 72(1-2), 42-52
19. Rostkowski P, Yamashita N, So IMK, Taniyasu S, Lam PKS, Falandysz J, Lee KT, Kim SK, Khim JS, Im SH, Newsted JL, Jones PD, Kannan K, Giesy JP*
Perfluorinated compounds in streams of the Shihwa industrial zone and Lake Shihwa, South Korea
2006, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25(9), 2374-2380
18. Koh C-H, Khim JS*, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Giesy JP
Characterization of trace organic contaminants in marine sediment from Yeongil Bay, Korea: 2. Dioxin-like and estrogenic activities
2006, Environmental Pollution 142(1), 48-57
17. Koh C-H, Khim JS*, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Giesy JP
Characterization of trace organic contaminants in marine sediment from Yeongil Bay, Korea: 1. Instrumental analyses
2006, Environmental Pollution 142(1), 39-47
16. Koh C-H, Khim JS*, Araki H, Yamanishi H, Mogi H, Koga K
Tidal resuspension of microphytobenthic chlorophyll a in a Nanaura mudflat, Saga, Ariake Sea, Japan: Flood-ebb and spring-neap variations
2006, Marine Ecology Progress Series 312, 85-100
15. Yoo H*, Khim JS, Giesy JP
Receptor-mediated in vitro bioassay for characterization of Ah-R-active compounds and activities in sediment from Korea
2006, Chemosphere 62(8), 1261-1271
14. Koh C-H, Khim JS*, Kannan K, Villeneuve DL, Johnson BG, Giesy JP
Instrumental and bioanalytical measures of dioxin-like and estrogenic compounds and activities associated with sediment from the Korean coast
2005, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 61(3), 366-379
13. Koh C-H, Khim JS*, Kannan K, Villeneuve DL, Senthilkumar K, Giesy JP
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), biphenyls (PCBs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalents (TEQs) in sediment from the Hyeongsan River
2004, Environmental Pollution 132(3), 489-501
12. Kannan K*, Kober JL, Khim JS, Szymczyk K, Falandysz J, Giesy JP
Polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and alkylphenols in sediments from the Odra River and its tributaries, Poland
2003, Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 85(4-6), 51-60