Journal Articles
11. Koh C-H*, Khim JS, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Giesy JP
Analysis of trace organic contaminants in sediment, pore water, and water samples from Onsan Bay, Korea: Instrumental analysis and in vitro gene expression assay
2002, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21(9), 1796-1803
10. Villeneuve DL*, Khim JS, Kannan K, Giesy JP
Relative potencies of individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to induce dioxinlike and estrogenic responses in three cell lines
2002, Environmental Toxicology 17(2), 128-137
9. Villeneuve DL*, Khim JS, Kannan K, Giesy JP
In vitro response of fish and mammalian cells to complex mixtures of polychlorinated naphthalenes, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
2001, Aquatic Toxicology 54(1-2), 125-141
8. Khim JS, Lee KT, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Giesy JP, Koh C-H*
In vitro bioassay determination of dioxin-like and estrogenic activity in sediment and water from Ulsan Bay and its vicinity, Korea
2001, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40(2), 151-160
7. Khim JS, Lee KT, Kannan K, Villeneuve DL, Giesy JP, Koh C-H*
Trace organic contaminants in sediment and water from Ulsan Bay and its vicinity, Korea
2001, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 40(2), 141-150
6. Khim JS, Villeneuve DL, Kannan K, Hu WY, Giesy JP, Kang S-G, Song K-J, Koh C-H*
Instrumental and bioanalytical measures of persistent organochlorines in blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) from Korean coastal waters
2000, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39(3), 360-368
5. Villeneuve DL*, Kannan K, Khim JS, Falandysz J, Nikiforov VA, Blankenship AL, Giesy JP
Relative potencies of individual polychlorinated naphthalenes to induce dioxin-like responses in fish and mammalian in vitro bioassays
2000, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39(3), 273-281
4. Kannan K*, Yamashita N, Imagawa T, Decoen W, Khim JS, Day RM, Summer CL, Giesy JP
Polychlorinated naphthalenes and polychlorinated biphenyls in fishes from Michigan waters including the great lakes
2000, Environmental Science and Technology 34(4), 566-572
3. Khim JS, Villeneuve DL*, Kannan K, Koh C-H, Giesy JP
Characterization and distribution of trace organic contaminants in sediment from Masan Bay, Korea. 2. In vitro gene expression assays
1999, Environmental Science and Technology 33(23), 4206-4211
2. Khim JS, Kannan K*, Villeneuve DL, Koh C-H, Giesy JP
Characterization and distribution of trace organic contaminants in sediment from Masan Bay, Korea. 1. Instrumental analysis
1999, Environmental Science and Technology 33(23), 4199-4205