Perfluorinated Compounds in Aquatic Products from Bohai Bay, Tianjin, China
2011, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 17(6), 1279-1291
The impact of heavy metal pollution gradients in sediments on benthic macrofauna at population and community levels
2011, Environmental Pollution 159(10), 2622-2629
Genotoxicity and endocrine-disruption potentials of sediment near an oil spill site: Two years after the hebei spirit oil spill
2011, Environmental Science and Technology 45(17), 7481-7488
Perfluorinated compounds in estuarine and coastal areas of north Bohai Sea, China
2011, Marine Pollution Bulletin 62(8), 1905-1914
Perfluorinated compounds in water, sediment and soil from Guanting Reservoir, China
2011, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 87(1), 74-76
Integrated assessment of trace pollutants associated with the Korean coastal environment: Exampled from the sediment TIE and triad approaches
2011, Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences 3(2), 59-68
Environmentally associated spatial changes of a macrozoobenthic community in the Saemangeum tidal flat, Korea
2011, Journal of Sea Research 65(4), 390-400
Prediction of macrozoobenthic species distribution in the Korean Saemangeum tidal flat based on a logistic regression model of environmental parameters
2011, Ecological Research 26(3), 659-668
Sources and distribution of polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins and -dibenzofurans in soil and sediment from the Yellow Sea region of China and Korea
2011, Environmental Pollution 159(4), 907-917
Perfluorinated compounds in water and sediment from coastal regions of the northern Bohai Sea, China
2011, Chemistry and Ecology 27(2), 165-176