Lethal and sub-lethal effects of elevated CO2 on embryo, larval, and adult life stages of marine medaka, Oryzias melastigma
2015, 2015년 해양학회 춘계학술대회, 제주
Assessment of ecological and sediment qualities in the Jinhae Bay, Korea
2015, 2015년 해양학회 춘계학술대회, 제주
Effects of artificial reefs and their surrounding environments on fish assemblages in Jeju Island, Korea
2015, 2015년 해양학회 춘계학술대회, 제주
Effect-directed analysis: A review of the current status and futrue challenges
2015, 2015년 해양학회 춘계학술대회, 제주
Ecological checklist of macrobenthos of Korean Dokdo Island: diversity and distribution
2015, 2015년 해양학회 춘계학술대회, 제주
Bioaccessibility of AhR-active PAHs in sediments contaminated by the Hebei Spirit oil spill: Application of Tenax extraction in effect-directed analysis
2015, 2015년 한국해양환경에너지학회, 제주
Environmental damages and ecological recoveries after the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill, Taean, Korea
2015, 2015년 한국해양환경에너지학회, 제주
Ecotoxicological effects and recoveries after the Hebei Spirit oil Spill in Taean, Korea: A Review
2015, The 1st BK21 Plus Cheer International Workshop, 서울
A triad approach for the assessment of trace pollutants in Korean coastal sediments
2015, The 1st China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 난징, 중국
Microphytobenthos diversity and production in Korean tidal flats
2015, 2nd Xmas, 사먼, 중국