220. 김태우, 전승연, 홍성진, 송성준, 권봉오, 김종성
Spatiotemporal distribution of tributyltin (TBT) in intertidal organisms from Korean coasts
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
219. 추승오, 이창근, 권봉오, 김종성
Effect of suspended sediment on oxygen comsumption rate in marine medaka, Oryzias melastigma
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
218. 김호상, 권봉오, 류종성, 김종성
Appropriate sample size and position of crucibles for effective estimating organic matter in sediments using loss on ignition
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
217. 김동우, 권봉오, 김종성
Distributions of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in mudflats: Method development and validation
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
216. 이창근, 권봉오, 홍성진, 이정현, 이정호, 류종성, 박영규, 강성길, 김종성
Acute effects of elevated CO2 on embryo, larval and adult life stages of marine medaka, Oryzias melastigma
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
215. 이정현, 홍성진, 전승연, 이창근, 윤서준, 권봉오, 김종성
The concentration level of organic pollutants to assess potential toxicity of sediments in the Lake Sihwa and Masan Bay: The gap between past and present
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
214. 김선진, 송성준, 박진순, 류종성, 노현수, 김원, 김종성
Macrobenthos of Korean Dokdo Island: A review on species diversity and distribution
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
213. 노준성, 김동우, 이정현, 이도원, 류종성, 김종성
Responses of fish assemblages to spatial habitat structure of artificial reefs in Jeju Island, Korea over 5 years (2007-2011)
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
212. 전승연, 홍성진, 권봉오, 김종성
Combined chemical and bioanalytical monitoring of dioxin-like and estrogen receptor agonists in sediments of the Yellow Sea region
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울
211. 윤서준, 홍성진, 권봉오, 류종성, 이창희, 남정호, 김종성
Occurrence and sources of persistence toxic substances in sediments from the Geum River Estuary and Saemangeum Coasts, Korea
2016, 2nd China-Korea symposium on Environmental Health & Ecotoxicology, 서울