Large-scale monitoring and ecological risk assessment of persistent toxic substances in riverine, estuarine, and coastal sediments of the Yellow and Bohai seas
2020, Environment International 137, 105517
Accumulation and ecological risk of heavy metals in soils along the coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea: A comparative study of China and South Korea
2020, Environment International 137, 105519
The Blue Economy and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals: Challenges and opportunities
2020, Environment International 137, 105528
Ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments and water from the coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea
2020, Environment International 136, 105512
Rapid recovery of coastal environment and ecosystem to the Hebei Spirit oil spill's impact
2020, Environment International 135, 105438
Spatiotemporal variability in microphytobenthic primary production across bare intertidal flat, saltmarsh, and mangrove forest of Asia and Australia
2020, Marine Pollution Bulletin 151, 110707
Long-term trends of persistent toxic substances and potential toxicities in sediments along the west coast of South Korea
2020, Marine Pollution Bulletin 151, 110821
Recovery of the benthic bacterial community in coastal abandoned saltern requires over 35 years: a comparative case study in the Yellow Sea
2020, Environment International 135, 105412
Anthropogenic impacts on the contamination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the coastal environments of the Yellow and Bohai seas
2020, Environment International 135, 105306
Microbial mechanism for enhanced methane emission in deep soil layer of Phragmites-introduced tidal marsh
2020, Environment International 134, 105251