Stable isotope signatures reveal the significant contributions of microphytobenthos and saltmarsh-driven nutrition in the intertidal benthic food webs
2021, Science of the Total Environment 756, 144068
Environmental drivers affecting the bacterial community of intertidal sediments in the Yellow Sea
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Shift in polar benthic community structure in a fast retreating glacial area of Marian Cove, West Antarctica
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A new species of Xouthous thomson (copepoda: harpacticoida: pseudotachidiidae), widely distributed in the Korean waters
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First Report of Navicula spartinetensis (Bacillariophyceae) from Korean Tidal Flats Along with Its Distribution in Northeast Asia
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Response to oiled wildlife in the management and evaluation of marine oil spills in South Korea: A review
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Characteristics of long-term changes in microbial communities from contaminated sediments along the west coast of South Korea: Ecological assessment with eDNA and physicochemical analyses
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Marinobacter halodurans sp. nov., a halophilic bacterium isolated from sediment of a salt flat
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