아래의 논문이 Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment and Energy 에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Optimal environmental monitoring system for ecosystem assessment in the Geum River estuary, Korea Authors Ju...
아래의 논문이 Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (IF= 3.974)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Evaluation of residual toxicity of hypochlorite-treated water using bioluminescent microbes and microalgae: Implications f...
아래의 논문이 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IF= 2.134)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Maribacter litoralis sp. nov. a marine bacterium isolated form seashore Authors: Dong Wan Lee*,...
아래의 논문이 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IF= 2.134)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Blastococcus litoris sp. nov., isolated form sea-tidal flat sediment Authors: Dong Wan Lee...
아래의 논문이 Science of the Total Environment (IF= 5.589)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Chemical-, site-, and taxa-dependent benthic community health in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea: A sedim...
2018년 게재완료 및 확정 논문 20여편을 달성하였습니다. 게재완료된 논문에 대한 자세한 정보는 홈페이지 Journal 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.
아래의 논문이 International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (IF= 2.134)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Oceanimonas imarisflav sp. nov., represented by PAH degrading marine bacterium Authors: Dong Wa...
아래의 논문이 Environmental Pollution (IF= 5.099)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: A comparative review and analysis of tentative ecological quality objectives (EcoQOs) for protection of marine environments in Korea and ...
아래의 논문이 Environmental Pollution (IF= 5.099)에 게재확정 되었습니다. Title: Rainfall effects on the erodibility of sediment and microphytobenthos in the intertidal flat Authors: Hun Jun Ha, Hosang Kim, Junsung No...
아래의 논문이 Environmental Science and Technology (IF= 6.198)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by the Marine Clam, Mactra veneriformis, Chronically Exposed to O...
아래의 논문이 Environmental Pollution (IF= 5.099)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Spatiotemporal variations in macrofaunal assemblages linked to site-specific environmental factors in two contrasting nearshore habitats ...
아래의 논문이 Environmental Pollution (IF= 5.099)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title: Sub-lethal and lethal toxicities of elevated CO2 on embryonic, juvenile, and adult stages of marine medaka Oryzias melastigma Authors: Ch...