"Rapid Recovery of Coastal Environment and Ecosystem to the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill’s Impact" EI...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Rapid Recovery of Coastal Environment and Ecosystem to the Hebei Spirit Oil Spill’s Impact Authors Un Hyuk Yim , Seongjin Hong , Changk...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Recovery of the benthic bacterial community in coastal abandoned saltern requires over 35 years: a comparative case study in the Yellow...
아래의 논문이 Marine Pollution Bulletin (IF =3.782)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Long-term trends of persistent toxic substances and potential toxicities in sediments along the west coast of South Korea Authors Seonju...
김종성 교수님께서 2019년 11월 Google scholar 기준으로 i10 인덱스(i10-index) 100을 달성하셨습니다.(h-index: 38, 피인용횟수: 5708, https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=TlTQ0GkAAAAJ&hl=ko) i10 인덱스(i10-index)는 연구자의 논문 중에서 10 ...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Natural and anthropogenic impacts on long-term meiobenthic communities in two contrasting nearshore habitats Authors Hyeong-Gi Kim , Sun...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Anthropogenic impacts on the contamination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the coastal environments of the Yell...
아래의 논문이 Marine Pollution Bulletin (IF =3.782)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Spatiotemporal variability in microphytobenthic primary production across bare intertidal flat, saltmarsh, and mangrove forest of Asia a...
아래의 논문이 Zootaxa (IF = 0.949)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Two new species of Tigriopus Norman, 1869 from Chonburi Province, Thailand (Crustacea: Copepoda: Harpacticidae Authors SUPAWADEE CHULLASORN, PAWANA KANGT...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Microbial mechanism for enhanced methane emission in deep soil layer of Phragmites-introduced tidal marsh Authors Hojeong Kang , Jinhyun...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Major AhR-active chemicals in sediments of Lake Sihwa, South Korea: Application of effect-directed analysis combined with full-scan scre...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Multimedia distributions, bioaccumulation, and trophic transfer of microcystins in the Geum River Estuary, Korea: Application of compoun...
아래의 논문이 Environment International (IF =7.943)에 게재확정되었습니다. Title Natural and anthropogenic signatures on sedimentary organic matters across varying intertidal habitats in the Korean waters Authors Jong...