330. 유연재, 이동완, 이한별, 김종성, 임운혁, 김재진
PAHs-bioremediation potential of indigenous halophilic/halotolerant bacteria from tidal flats
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
329. 이창근, 노준성, 이정현, 홍성진, 권봉오, 권개경, 임운혁, 김종성
Effective bioremediation techniques of oil contaminated sediments for the PAHs degrading bacterial community: An outdoor mesocosm experiment
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
328. 이정현, 홍성진, 김선주, 권봉오, 김종성
Dioxin-like and endocrine disrupting potencies of fractions of sediment determined by use of microalgae and cell-based assays
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
327. 노준성, 권봉오, 이종민, 김범기, 김호상, 김종성
Carbon storage in estuarine tidal flat and salt marsh of the west and south coasts of Korea
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
326. 권봉오, 임종서, 노준성, 김종성
Forty years long changes in coastal land use and ecosystem services in the Yellow Sea
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
325. 박진순, 송성준, 윤서준, 홍성진, 권봉오, 류종성, Wan T, Lu Y, Zhang X, Giesy JP, 김종성
Chemical-specific benthic community responses and integrated sediment quality assessment in coastal areas of the Bohai Sea and the northern Yellow Sea
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
324. 장갑수, Zhen P, 홍성진, 김종성
How Physicists approach a problem of biotoxicity
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
323. 홍성진, 김재성, 차지현, 이정현, 이성규, 문효방, 신경훈, 김종성
Identification of novel AhR-active chemicals in sediments of an industrial area using effect-directed analysis
2018, The 4th Korea-China Symposium on Environmental Health and Ecological Safety, 서울
322. 김호상, 안인영, 배한나, 송성준, 권봉오, 김종성
Spatio-temporal photosynthetic variability of Antarctic intertidal algaes
2018, 2018년 극지 심포지움 ISPS, 인천
321. 배한나, 안인영, 송성준, 김호상, 김종성
Variation of diatom communities caused by drastic environmental changes in Marian Cove, Antarctica, during the austral summer
2018, 2018년 극지 심포지움 ISPS, 인천