8. A measurement of oxygen evolution by microphytobenthos core-sampled from the Korean tidal flat: oxygen microsensor applied with water bath incubation
2009, The University of Tokyo
7. TIE approach in environmental assessment: ‘Concept and application’
2009, Seoul National University
6. TIE & Mass balance approaches in exposure assessment of environmental samples
2008, AKCSE Saskatchewan
5. Fluorinated organic compounds (FOCs): A novel class of pollutants.
2008, Chinese Academy of Science
4. Exposure assessment of environmental samples and contaminants.
2008, University of Saskatchewan
3. Assessment of Korean coastal sediments: TIE Approach.
2007, Chinese Academy of Science
2. Microphytobenthos study in tidal flats: Chlorophyll a as an indicator of resuspension
2006, Pusan National University
1. Tidal resuspension of microphytobenthos: Flood-ebb and spring-neap variations
2006, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute (KORDI)