[강의] Stephen J Hawkins (University of Southampton National Oceanography Centre Southampton) 교수님 초청 세미나_충남대 해양저서생태학연구실
2024 2월 14일부터 23일까지 University of Southampton National Oceanography Centre Southampton의 Stephen J Hawkins 교수님을 초청하여 여러 학교를 돌아다니며 암반조간대 관련 세미나 및 암반조간대 현장조사 방법론 수업과 시연을 진행하였습니다.
2024년 2월 14일
장소: 서울대학교
주제: Climate change responses of rocky shore biodiversity: sustanined observations, experiments and modelling on causes and consequences
2024년 2월 14일
장소: 군산대학교
주제: Recovery and restoration of degraded coastal ecosystems: lesson from long-term studies on the Mersey
2024년 2월 16일
장소: 충남대학교
주제: Rocky shores – the fruit-fly of ecology
2024년 2월 19일
장소: 충남대학교
주제: A century of observations of long-term change in the English Channel : unravelling climate change from regional and local scale impacts
2024년 2월 20일
장소: 부경대학교
주제: The role of limpet grazing in structuring rocky shore communities on the Northeast Atlantic: classic experiments, broadscale comparisons, bottom up forcing and top-down control
2010-2016 [現] Emeritus Professor within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton
1979-1980 Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Personal Post-doc. Fellow, Marine Biological Association of UK, Plymouth
1980-1987 Lecturer, Dept. of Zoology, (subsequently Environmental Biology), University of Manchester
1987-1995 Lecturer, Senior Lecturer (from 1990) in Marine Biology, University of Liverpool, Port Erin Marine Laboratory, Isle of Man (part of Dept. of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology from 1988)
1995-1999 Professor of Environmental Biology, Dept. Biology, University of Southampton and Director Centre for Environmental Sciences
1999-2006 Professor of Environmental Biology (University of Southampton)
2006-2007 Professor of Marine Biology and Associate Director, Marine Institute University of Plymouth
2007-2010 Professor of Natural Sciences and Head of College of Natural Sciences Bangor University (2007-2010). Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor Research & Enterprise
2020 Winner of Carlo Heip Award for marine biodiversity research
1985~2020년 까지 254편의 논문
[caption id="attachment_35052" align="alignleft" width="750"] <서울대학교 세미나>[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_35054" align="alignnone" width="750"] <군산대학교 세미나>[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_35055" align="alignnone" width="750"] <충남대학교 암반조간대 관련 수업>[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_35056" align="alignnone" width="750"] <충남대학교 세미나>[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_35059" align="alignnone" width="750"] <부경대학교 세미나>[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_35060" align="alignnone" width="690"] <암반조간대 현장조사 시범>[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_35061" align="alignnone" width="645"] <암반조간대 현장조사 샘플링 조사 방법 시연>[/caption]