[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2023/7/1)
2023년 7월 1일 학생세미나
발표장소: 24동 423호
발표자 및 주제
- 김범기: 논문 발표- Vessel sound causes hearing loss for hummingbird bobtail squid (Euprymna berryi)
- 박신영: 논문 발표-Changes in the magnitude of the individual and combined effects of contaminants, warming, and predators on tropical cladocerans across 11 generations
- 권인하: 논문 발표-Biofilms attached to Myriophyllum spicatum play a dominant role in nitrogen removal in constructed wetland mesocosms with submersed macrophytes: Evidence from 15N tracking, nitrogen budgets and metagenomics analyses
- 변유정: 논문 발표-Impact of vessel noise on feeding behavior and growth of zooplanktonic species
- 이청재: 논문 발표-Mangrove vulnerability and potential carbon stock loss from land reclamation in Jakarta Bay, Indonesia
- 서우성: 논문 발표-Trophic Enrichment Factors of Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Ratios (Δ13C and Δ15N) in Four Marine Ciliates
- 김영은: 논문 발표- Sub-lethal and lethal toxicities of elevated CO2 on embryonic, juvenile, and adult stages of marine medaka Oryzias melastigma
- 이경민: 논문 발표- Stable isotopes used to assess pollution impacts on coastal and marine ecosystems of Cuba and México