[랩세미나] 랩세미나 > 논문세미나(2023/4/22)
2023년 4월 22일 학생세미나
발표장소: 24동 204호
발표자 및 주제
- 김범기: 논문 발표-Cross-sensory interference assessment after exposure to noise shows different effects in the blue crab olfactory and sound sensing capabilities
- 김호상: 논문 발표-Changes in microphytobenthos fluorescence over a tidal cycle: implications for sampling designs
- 박신영: 논문 발표-Bioaccumulation of functionalized polystyrene nanoplastics in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka, 1867) and their toxic effects on oxidative stress, energy metabolism and mitochondrial pathway
- 권인하: 논문 발표-Morphological and anatomical changes of Phragmites australis Cav. due to the uptake and accumulation of heavy metals from polluted soils
- 송현서: 논문 발표-Occurrence and bioaccumulation of persistent toxic substances in sediments and biota from intertidal zone of Abu Ali Island, Arabian Gulf
- 변유정: 논문 발표-Impact of pile-driving and offshore windfarm operationalnoise on fish chorusing
- 이청재: 논문 발표-The effect of biomass variations of Spartina alterniflora on the organiccarbon content and composition of a salt marsh in northern Jiangsu Province, China
- 서우성: 논문 발표-Methane and carbon dioxide emissions from cultivated and native mangrove species in Dongzhai Harbor, Hainan
- 김영은: 논문 발표-Effects of polluted and non-polluted suspended sediments on the oxygen consumption rate of olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
- 이경민: 논문 발표-Natural purification capacity of tidal flats for organic matters and nutrients: A mesocosm study