Seminars & Lectures

[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2023/4/1)

해양저서생태학연구실l 2023-04-01l 조회수 1
2023년 4월 1일  학생세미나 발표장소: 24동 204호 발표자 및 주제
  • 김호상: The vertical migratory rhythm of intertidal microphytobenthos in sediment depends on the light photoperiod, intensity, and spectrum: Evidence for a positive effect of blue wavelength
  • 권인하: Response of the common reed (Phragmites australis) to nutrient enrichment depends on the growth stage and degree of enrichment: A mesocosm experiment
  • 송현서: Offspring of metal contaminated saltmarsh (Juncus acutus) exhibit tolerance to the essential metal Zn but not the nonessential metal Pb
  • 변유정: Oyster Larvae Settle in Response to Habitat-Associated Underwater Sounds
  • 이청재: Dominance by Spartina densiflora slows salt marsh litter decomposition