[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2023/2/4)
2023년 2월 4일 학생세미나
- 발표 장소: 24동 423호
- 발표자 및 주제
- 김범기: 논문 발표-Behavioural responses of wild Pacific salmon and herring to boat noise
- 김호상: 논문 발표-Benthic primary production in emerged intertidal habitats provides resilience to high water column turbidity
- 박신영: 논문 발표-“Fishcide” effect of the fungicide difenoconazole in freshwater fish (Labeo rohita): A multi-endpoint approach
- 권인하: 논문 발표-Biofilms attached to Myriophyllum spicatum play a dominant role in nitrogen removal in constructed wetland mesocosms with submersed macrophytes: Evidence from 15N tracking, nitrogen budgets and metagenomics analyses
- 송현서: 논문 발표-Suspended solid concentration reduces feeding in freshwater mussels
- 변유정: 논문 발표-Good or bad vibrations? Impacts of anthropogenic vibration on the marine epibenthos
- 서우성: 논문 발표-The effect of biomass variations of Spartina alterniflora on the organiccarbon content and composition of a salt marsh in northern Jiangsu Province, China