[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2023/1/14)
2023년 1월 14일, 연구실에서 학생들이 공부한 논문들을 서로 공유하고 의견을 나누는 세미나 시간을 가졌습니다.
발표장소: 24동 423호
발표자 및 주제
김범기: 논문발표 - Impact of underwater noise on the growth, physiology and behavior of Micropterus salmoides in industrial recirculating aquaculture systems
김호상: 논문발표 - Colonisation of artificial structures by primary producers: Competition and photosynthetic behaviour
박신영: 논문발표 - An indoor study of the combined effect of industrial pollution and turbulence events on the gut environment in a marine invertebrate
권인하: 논문발표 - Effects of crab disturbance on nitrogen migration and transformation in a coastal tidal flat wetland
진가영: 논문발표 - Acoustic stress responses in juvenile sea bass Diecentrarchus labrax induced by offshore pile driving
송현서: 논문발표 - Effects of dissolved nickel and nickel-contaminated suspended sediment on the scleractinian coral, Acropora muricata
변유정: 논문발표 - Effects of anthropogenic sound on digging behavior, metabolism, Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase activity, and metabolism-related gene expression of the bivalve Sinonovacula constricta
이청재: 논문발표 - Identification of benthic diatoms isolated from the eastern tidal flats of the Yellow Sea: Comparison between morphological and molecular approaches
서우성: 논문발표 - Experimental Saltwater Intrusion Drives Rapid Soil Elevation and Carbon Loss in Freshwater and Brackish Everglades Marshes
류윤정: 논문발표 - Natural purification capacity of tidal flats for organic matters and nutrients: A mesocosm study