Seminars & Lectures

[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2022/12/31)

해양저서생태학연구실l 2022-12-31l 조회수 1
2022년 12월 31일, 연구실에서 학생들이 공부한 논문들을 서로 공유하고 의견을 나누는 세미나 시간을 가졌습니다. 발표장소: 25-1호 304호   발표자 및 주제 김범기: 논문발표 - Commercial cuttlefish exposed to noise from offshore windmill construction show short-range acoustic trauma 김호상:  논문발표 - Contribution of unvegetated tidal flats to coastal carbon flux 박신영: 논문발표 - Specific toxicity of azithromycin to the freshwater microalga Raphidocelis subcapitata 권인하: 논문발표 - Carbon sequestration via shellfish farming: A potential negative emissions technology 송현서: 논문발표 - Grain size and organic carbon controls polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), mercury (Hg) and toxicity of surface sediments in the River Conwy Estuary, Wales, UK 변유정: 논문발표 - Noisy waters can influence young-of-year lobsters’ substrate choice and their antipredatory responses 이청재: 논문발표 - Multistage remediation of heavy metal contaminated river sediments in a mining region based on particle size 서우성: 논문발표 - Decomposition of Spartina alterniflora and concomitant metal release dynamics in a tidal environment 류윤정: 논문발표 - Lobsters with pre-existing damage to their mechanosensory statocyst organs do not incur further damage from exposure to seismic air gun signals