[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2022/10/22)
2022년 10월 22일 논문세미나
발표 장소: 25-1호 304호
발표자 및 주제
김범기: 논문 발표-Low-frequency noise pollution impairs burrowing activities of marine benthic invertebrates
김호상: 논문 발표-Functional resilience of PSII, vertical distribution and ecosystem-level estimates of subsurface microphytobenthos in estuarine tidal flats
박신영: 논문 발표-Comparison of the combined toxicity of polystyrene microplastics and different concentrations of cadmium in zebrafish
권인하: 논문 발표-Bioturbation of burrowing crabs promotes sediment
turnover and carbon and nitrogen movements in an estuarine salt marsh
진가영: 논문 발표-Trscriptomic and behavioral studies of small Yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis) in response to noise exposure
송현서: 논문 발표-The impact of sediment bioturbation by secondary organisms on metal bioavailability, bioaccumulation and toxicity to target organisms in benthic bioassays: Implications for sediment quality assessment
변유정: 논문 발표-Effects of exposure to pile driving sounds on fish inner ear tissues
이청재: 논문 발표-Sink or source? Insights into the behavior of copper and zinc in the sedimentporewater of a constructed wetland by peepers
서우성: 논문 발표-Biomass decay rates and tissue nutrient loss in bloom and non-bloom-forming macroalgal species
류윤정: 논문 발표-Nanoplastics impaired oyster free living stages, gametes and embryos