Seminars & Lectures

[랩세미나] 논문세미나(2022/10/8)

해양저서생태학연구실l 2022-10-08l 조회수 1
2022년 10월 8일  학생세미나
  • 발표 장소: 25-1호 304호
  • 발표자 및 주제
  1.  김호상: 논문 발표-Potential Impact of Photoinhibition on Microphytobenthic Primary Production on a Large Intertidal Mudflat
  2.  권인하: 논문 발표-Phytoremediation of cadmium-, lead- and nickel-contaminated water by Phragmites australis in hydroponic systems
  3.  진가영: 논문 발표-Blood parameters and oxidative stress responses in pacu(Piaractus mesopotamicus) reared at different temperatures
  4.  송현서: 논문 발표-Tissue-specific distribution and bioaccumulation pattern of trace metals in fish species from the heavily sediment-laden Yellow River, China
  5.  변유정: 논문 발표-From DNA to ecological performance: Effects of anthropogenic noise on a reef-building mussel
  6.  이청재: 논문 발표-Pollution assessment and sources of dissolved heavy metals in coastal water of a highly urbanized coastal area: The role of groundwater discharge
  7.  서우성: 논문 발표-Environmental drivers affecting the bacterial community of intertidal sediments in the Yellow Sea
  8.  류윤정: 논문 발표-Sub-lethal and lethal toxicities of elevated CO2 on embryonic, juvenile, and adult stages of marine medaka Oryzias melastigma