Seminars & Lectures

[랩세미나] 학생세미나(2022/09/24)

해양저서생태학연구실l 2022-09-24l 조회수 1
2022년 9월 24일 학생세미나
  • 발표 장소: 25동 304호
  • 발표자 및 주제
  1. 권인하: 논문발표-Tidal elevation is the key factor modulating burial rates and composition of organic matter in a coastal wetland with multiple habitats
  2. 송현서: 논문발표-An index to assess the health and benefits of the global ocean
  3. 변유정: 논문발표-Boat noise impacts Lusitanian toadfish breeding males and reproductive outcome
  4. 이청재: 논문발표-Molecular interactions of polyvinyl chloride microplastics and beta-blockers (Diltiazem and Bisoprolol) and their effects on marine meiofauna: Combined in vivo and modeling study
  5. 서우성: 논문발표-A comparative review and analysis of tentative ecological quality objectives (EcoQOs) for protection of marine environments in Korea and China
  6. 류윤정:  논문발표-Remote sensing and water quality indicators in the Korean West coast: Spatio-temporal structures of MODIS-derived chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids