Seminars & Lectures

[랩세미나] 학생세미나(2022/09/13)

해양저서생태학연구실l 2022-09-13l 조회수 1
2022년 9월 13일 학생세미나
  • 발표 장소: 24동 423호
  • 발표자 및 주제
  1.  김범기: 공부한 논문-Limiting motorboat noise on coral reefs boosts fish reproductive success
  2.  권인하: 공부한 논문-Biofilms attached to Myriophyllum spicatum play a dominant role in nitrogen removal in constructed wetland mesocosms with submersed macrophytes: Evidence from 15N tracking, nitrogen budgets and metagenomics analyses
  3. 김승원: 공부한 논문-Tea Bag Index: a novel approach to collect uniform decomposition data across ecosystems
  4. 송현서: 공부한 논문- Localizing organomercury uptake and accumulation in zebrafish larvae at the tissue and cellular level
  5. 변유정: 공부한 논문- Exposure to seismic air gun signals causes physiological harm and alters behavior in the scallop Pecten fumatus