[논문] OCMA 특별호 '한국의 갯벌' 출간
2014년 12월 03일 자로 Ocean & Coastal Management(IF=1.769) 저널에 한국의 갯벌 특별호가 출판되었습니다. 본 특별호는 연구실 명예교수님이신 고철환 교수님께서 Editor로 주관하셨고, 총 19편의 논문이 포함되었고, 본 연구실에서 아래의 6개 논문에 참여하였습니다. 3년여의 걸친 저자들의 각고의 노력 끝에 한국의 갯벌을 총정리, 집대성한 매우 유의미한 출판물이라 하겠습니다. 모두 수고 많으셨습니다.
Ocean & Coastal Management
Volume 102, Part B , Pages 393-622, December 2014
The Korean Tidal Flat Systems: Ecosystem, land reclamation and struggle for protection
Edited by Chul-Hwan Koh
Graphical abstract
From the current protection of small fragmented areas within the ‘Getbol’ (left side panel) to the protection of the integrated ‘Getbol Sea’ in the near future (blue coloured belt in the right side panel).
The Korean tidal flat of the Yellow Sea: Physical setting, ecosystem and management
Pages 398-414
Chul-Hwan Koh, Jong Seong KhimMicrophytobenthos of Korean tidal flats: A review and analysis on floral distribution and tidal dynamics
Pages 471-482
Jinsoon Park, Bong-Oh Kwon, Minkyu Kim, Seongjin Hong, Jongseong Ryu, Sung Joon Song, Jong Seong Khim
Macrozoobenthos of Korean tidal flats: A review on species assemblages and distribution
Pages 483-492
Jinsoon Park, Sung Joon Song, Jongseong Ryu, Bong-Oh Kwon, Seongjin Hong, Hanna Bae, Jin-Woo Choi, Jong Seong Khim
Environmental and ecological effects and recoveries after five years of the Hebei Spirit oil spill, Taean, Korea
Pages 522-532
Seongjin Hong, Jong Seong Khim, Jongseong Ryu, Seong-Gil Kang, Won Joon Shim, Un Hyuk YimEnvironmental and ecological effects of Lake Shihwa reclamation project in South Korea: A review
Pages 545-558
Chang-Hee Lee, Bum-Yeon Lee, Won Keun Chang, Seongjin Hong, Sung Joon Song, Jinsoon Park, Bong-Oh Kwon, Jong Seong Khim
The Saemangeum tidal flat: Long-term environmental and ecological changes in marine benthic flora and fauna in relation to the embankment
Pages 559-571
Jongseong Ryu, Jungho Nam, Jinsoon Park, Bong-Oh Kwon, Jung-Ho Lee, Sung Joon Song, Seongjin Hong, Won Keun Chang, Jong Seong Khim
다시한번 본 특별호에 참여해주신 많은 분들에게 감사드리고, 한국의 갯벌 역사를 한눈에 볼 수 있는 다양한 논문들을 많이 읽어주시고 인용해주시기를 부탁드립니다.